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Australian Citizenship

There are 3 types of Australian citizenship:

  1. Australian Citizenship by Conferral

This is the most common pathway for permanent residents. If you migrated to Australia and meet the eligibility requirements, you can apply for citizenship by conferral

General eligibility requirements but not limited to include:

  • You must be an Australian permanent resident.
  • Must be of good character.
  • Most people will need to sit the Australian citizen test to understand what it means to be an Australian citizen.
  • Citizenship is a privilege and requires long-term commitment to Australia.
  • You must meet the residence requirements:
  1. Australian Citizenship by Descent

The citizenship by descent pathway is applicable for applicants born outside Australia and

if you have at least one parent that was an Australian citizen when you were born.

  1. Australian Citizenship by Birth

 If you are born in Australia and one or both of your parents is an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia.

Benefits of Australian Citizenship

  • You can apply for an Australian passport.
  • You will not need to renew your Resident Return Visa (RRV) every 5 years (if applicable)
  • The right to vote in elections.
  • You may be eligible for the HECS‑HELP study assistance programme.
  • You may be eligible for government employment.
  • Unlimited travel to and from Australia
  • Australia allows its citizens to hold dual citizenships. You will need to check with your home country if dual citizenships are allowed.
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